When: Sunday, June 7, 2020
Where: Stumpy’s Pizza 138 S Wilcox St, Castle Rock, CO 80104
Cost to enter: $25 + quarters for games. All entries paid out to finalists
Note: You must sign up for a tee-time: 10a, 12p, 2p and 4p. Finals begin at 6p. Limit 9 players per tee-time. To sign up, email Helena Walter Higgins here or text/call her at this number: 720-557-4176
Hi dear pinball friends!
This Sunday you are welcome to an outdoor pinball tournament in Castle Rock, at the parking lot outside of Stumpy’s Pizza. The aim is to display how you can arrange a safe and still super fun pinball tournament at this point of time, to try to lead the way. It will get better eventually!
The format will be Pin-Golf, held on Match-Play. Tee times will be 10a, 12p, 2p, 4p and then finals at 6p. Please let us know which tee time you would like to play. Either as a comment here, emailing helena.walter@gmail.com or by texting or calling 720-557-4176.
9 players per tee time. Everybody plays alone on each of the 9 pinball machines (covered by canopies – if anybody has a canopy to spare let me know!), me or Ffej registers the scores. 1 attempt per game. The top 8 players with the most points overall from having played the 9 games will advance to the A-Final. There will also be a B-Final with 8 players after the A-final, if there is interest for this. Depending on the interest for this event tee times and finals might change, we will let you know!
These are the safety precautions we will have in place (more may follow):
- Everybody will be required to wear masks to participate.
- The games will be very spaced out in the parking lot.
- Everybody participating must keep the recommended physical distance.
- The game will be sanitized after a player is done playing.
- There will be access to hand washing and clean sanitized bathrooms.
- Only Colorado residents will be allowed to enter the tournament (to avoid cross state travel at this point).
- Only 9 participants per tee time. Plenty of time calculated in to clean extra between tee times.
- People who feel sick or has active Covid-19 infection cannot participate.
- Temperatures will be checked upon arrival.
If you have any input or ideas on how to run this tournament better, good and safe, please let us know.
Obviously no WPPRS this time, a just for fun tournament. 100% payout of the entry fee. Sorry about the short notice! It has been a lot of things to look into.
We would love to show how a fun but silly safe pinball tournament could be held, it’s going to look like a spectacle! The media might show up as well, so it’s very important that everybody who enters follow all guidelines.
We hope to see you there and have some Pindemic! fun, from a distance!
All the best,
Helena and Ffej.