Blizzard League meets every Monday at 7pm starting tonight through August 5th. It’s $40 and you must be able to make 7 of the 10 weeks to be eligible to participate in League Finals on Monday August 12th. That means if you can’t make it tonight – short notice, I know – there will still be 9 weeks remaining so you can still play!
For those familiar with our Twitch stream but have not yet played in the Blizzard Pinball League, you’ll have the pleasure of playing alongside such greats as detimemachine, pezjohnson and lordhowardhurtz. What could possibly be a finer time??
To join the league just show up on league night, ideally by 6:30 so that Kevin McCarthy (league director) has ample time to put you on the roster. You can find more details and contact info for Blizzard here.