The Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown 2019 is fast approaching!
Memorial Weekend is going to be packed with pinball this year so plan ahead. Pinball tournaments Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday! Here’s a quick rundown of each:
Friday, May 24, 2019
Rocky Mountain “Main Event”
Pre-RMPS Tournament
1up Greenwood, 6pm start, $25 entry
For those coming into town on Friday, Donavan Stepp is running a pre-Showdown tournament just down the road from the Marriott and The 1up Greenwood is matching every player’s entry to DOUBLE the pot! The cash grab starts here!
From 6pm-9:30pm players will compete in a match play format, 4 player groups with randomly drawn opponents and machines. The 8 players with the most wins will advance to PAPA-style finals.
$ Top 4 players are in the money! $
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown
Saturday – Monday, May 25-27
Denver Marriott Tech Center
Main Tournament *new format*
- Saturday (seeding) & Sunday (bracket finals)
- $60 Entry (plus entry to show: $35/day, $85/weekend)
- 11am – 12am: Division qualifying and bracket seeding
- Limited entry, best game format
- 12 attempts on a bank of 9 games, best 6 unique scores
- Everyone qualifies for the Finals Brackets on Sunday! Top half make A Division, bottom half make B. Many byes will be awarded in the Finals bracket, so qualifying is important!
- A & B Division Brackets start Sunday morning.
Main Tournament Games: Genesis, Jackbot, Eight Ball Deluxe, Wizard of Oz, The Addams Family, Indy 500, Guardians of the Galaxy (pro), Deadpool (pro), Metallica (pro)
Classics Tournament
- 2 Days of qualifying (Saturday & Sunday), Finals on Monday
- 11am – 12am: Qualifying (Day 1 of 2)
- Unlimited entry, best game format
- Cost: $20 for 10 entries, $10 for 4, $3 for 1 (plus entry to show: $35/day, $85/weekend)
- Bank of 6 games, best 4 unique scores
- Top 16 players advance to PAPA-style Finals (held on Monday)
Classics Tournament Games: Gorgar, Barracora, El Dorado, Old Chicago, Doodle Bug and Harlem Globetrotters
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Main Bracket Finals
- Both A & B brackets will run simultaneously and with the same format: Head-to-head, double elimination, best 2 out of 3 matches in both winners and losers brackets. High seed will have game choice for the first game of the match. The loser will have choice of game for each subsequent game in the match.
- Payouts: Top 8 players in A Finals are in the money. Top 4 in B.
- Cash purse is total entry fees, less $1/player IFPA fee and any tournament expenses.
- A Division: 1st: 30%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd: 10%, 4th: 8%, 5th-8th: 3%
- B Division: 1st: 8%, 2nd: 6%, 3rd: 4%, 4th: 2%
Classics Tournament
- 10am – 10pm: Qualifying (Day 2 of 2)
- Top 16 players advance to Finals on Monday, May 27th
Monday May 27, 2019
Classics Tournament Finals
- Starts at 10am
- PAPA-style Finals: 4-player groups, 3 games per round, top 2 from each group advance. 4, 2, 1, 0 scoring.
- Payouts: Cash purse is total entry fees, less $1/player IFPA fee and any tournament expenses. All 16 finalists are in the money.
- 1st: 30%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd: 10%, 4th: 8%
- 5th-8th: 4%, 9th-16th: 2%
A Note About Tournaments at RMPS
The Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown holds a wide variety of tournaments. The two mentioned here: The Main and Classics Tournaments, are the only two that are IFPA-sanctioned and payout 100% of the entry fees, less any tournament expenses (last year there were none) and the $1/player IFPA fee (when do I get to stop writing that out? 😛 ). Trophies for both tournaments are provided at no cost to the players by the Showdown so many thanks to the Nikolich family! This has been the case for years now. These tournaments are run by Snow Galvin and Brandon Wheeler. If you have any questions about these two events, you can email Snow here.
In addition, there are a slew of casual tournaments (do not award WPPRs) that happen during the weekend: Kids, Womens, Parent-child, Split Flipper, Rookie, Team, Zen, EM. These tournaments are run by the RMPS staff, meet in a separate area (check with RMPS front desk for location) cost $5 per player and the winner receives a trophy.
This year does have a nifty addition to the casual tournament list – The Horrorhouse Fest Pinball Tournament of Death! This will get it’s own blog post soon because it’s just great fun and a Colorado institution! Stay tuned…
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